Monday, January 15, 2007

<--Knife Attack and Dirt Run

Last weekend I flew out to my first Gridlock practice. Since I didn't know anyone and hadn't managed to get a ride from the airport I rented a car and drove up from Charlotte to the PBC Greensboro park. There I got to see Baltimore Trauma and Gridlock's D1 team practice. These guys have so much discipline and focus and it shows in there practice as it ran smoothly without any objections or hiccups. After there practice Roy from Trauma introduced me and we all went to supper. After supper at Wholly Guacamole, all hell broke loose as the D1 team fêted their practice. Since I had to practice the next day, I only had a few beers and Webber from the D1 team was nice enough to let me crash at his house. He let me rest in his computer room while the D1 team got ready to go out. Suddenly, I got woken up by the sound of someone crashing threw the front door. From what I could hear, a stranger had just broken in and was asking for where Webber was and was menacing Anthony with two huge knives. I heard him saying that Webber had been ******* his ex-girlfriend and as I got up to see what was going on, I heard laughter and realized Webber had instigated the whole thing! The next day I woke up to find a note beside my shoes, someone had put the directions to the field on a post it. I don’t know who put it there but thank you! I got to field just in time and was happy not to be late as that would mean doing more means. Means are cardio activities you do for a period of time without resting. Cole led us on a hike throughout the PBC park. Man can this kid run, as soon as we took off I almost lost track of him as he was so ahead of the pack! We proceed to do 30 minutes of means, which I didn’t find were too excruciating considering we had been building our strength with NRG and the MR.U program. I did however pull my groin doing relay races, the fine gravel combined with my turf cleats proved to be too much and I paid for it the rest of the day. After practice I headed back to the airport and got on my plane back to Montreal. I thought back to what Thomas from the D1 team had said when I asked him if he was in a fraternity, he answered back that Gridlock was his fraternity and from the camaderie I witnessed this weekend between the D1 team and Trauma I now understand why.